We Build for the Petrochemical Industry

We Build for the Petrochemical Industry

The natural gas refining process creates ethane, propane, and butane, and those can be used to manufacture a variety of petrochemicals. Our job is housing the process. We have decades of experience in the petrochemical industry, crafting an array of buildings, from...
Key Features of a Control Building

Key Features of a Control Building

In the midstream gas and oil industry, Parkline control buildings play a crucial role in the safe and efficient operation of pipelines, storage terminals, and processing plants. Our buildings are designed to house the control systems and personnel responsible for...
Just What Is a Data Center?

Just What Is a Data Center?

We talk a lot about data centers – because it’s an industry with which we’re experienced. But what exactly is a data center? Basically, it’s a physical facility that house servers, data, and high-tech equipment. It’s a network of computing and storage that supports...