Building Modifications, Extensions and Repairs
Living Quarters
Parkline can equip any shelter for short-term or sustained occupation, with the addition of restrooms and showers, storage and sleeping spaces and major appliances such as refrigerators, microwave and conventional ovens, or clothes washers and dryers. Most commonly needed for Control Rooms or Remote Command Centers and Guard Shack or Security Buildings, these shelter accessories can play a critical role in making your delivered building ready for immediate occupancy. Consider your needs, address it with a Parkline salesperson, and we’ll be glad to provide it.

Shelters that are constant or intermittently attended may be equipped with full or partial restroom facilities. These facilities may include sinks, hand towel dispensers, mirrors, cabinets and toilets. We can also provide electric hand dryers and water heaters for general purpose or classified areas. From basic to ADA compliant services, we provide total solutions to meet any need!

Critical around-the-clock or remote site operations may require every conceivable amenity. Therefore, as a complement to restroom facilities, Parkline offers a full range of standard and ADA compliant showers. Most often furnished as part of a complete washroom, showers are available in stall, free standing and corner units in materials including fiberglass, cultured marble and glass.

Lockers provide personal storage space for everything from lunches and dinners to hard hats, personal protection equipment and foul-weather gear. Lockers are available in many wall mount or free-standing configurations, and will be greatly appreciated by your staff as a thoughtful consideration and means to keep their personal items securely stored while keeping your Shelter well organized.

Bunk Beds
In some cases, workers may need to recline. Parkline recognizes this need by providing bunk beds in several styles as shown in this image. Consider fold-down units for space-saving or emergency needs, or free-standing units for dedicated sleeping quarters to ensure your staff can fully recuperate after a long shift or receive critical first-aid following any injury or sudden onset of illness.

Utility Sinks
Whether you need to satisfy basic janitorial needs or meet critical requirements of sample preparation and processing, Parkline can supply custom-built or manufactured sinks for any purpose in either countertop or free-standing configurations. Consider the need for this feature, and eliminate the efforts to transport water jugs, mop buckets or process samples to and from other locations!

Storage Closets
Storage Closets or small equipment rooms are often necessary to prevent undesirable clutter in an organized workspace. If you need to store cabling, or provide a space for testing and maintenance equipment, you may envision a closet and perhaps some shelving. As shown in this image, a closet may be accessible from the exterior, or arranged and equipped in any configuration needed.

When necessary, consider pre-selecting critical appliances at wholesale prices from Parkline. As a complementary service, Parkline will source the make and model of your choice of refrigerators and conventional or microwave ovens to washers and dryers. Parkline can also ensure all electrical, water and natural gas connections are provided, so your appliances are ready for use upon delivery.