Building Modifications, Extensions and Repairs
Safety Equipment
If you need safety equipment, you’ll find we’re responsive to every request, no matter how unique! From emergency and exit lighting, fire alarm or suppression equipment to personnel protection equipment such as first aid stations and defibrillators or site safety equipment like fire extinguishers, gas detectors and warning signs, we can install it all. With over forty years of practical experience, Parkline has encountered many distinct and critical safety concerns, so chances are we’ll already have the experience necessary to address your risk. At Parkline, we specialize in housing and protection technologies for harsh industrial environments and realize the safety of your staff always comes first.

Emergency Lighting
Parkline Emergency Lighting Systems provide essential lighting for egress during power failures and are required by many local fire codes and end-user regulations. Parkline offers a wide variety of options, from new specially equipped LED or fluorescent fixtures and conventional units for non-hazardous locations, up through Class I, Division 1 Units.

Exit Lighting
Parkline offers a full complement of Exit Lights to mark all points of emergency escape from your Portable Building. We offer standard exit light units, exit lights that incorporate emergency lighting, as shown above the doorway in this image, and Class I, Division 1 or 2 rated exit lights for Classified Locations. Let Parkline mark the path to safety with this critical accessory.

Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguishers are provided as the first line of defense in fire safety accessories. Available in single or combination Class A, B, C or D styles and in numerous sizes, the units can be surface mounted as shown here, or placed in recessed cabinets, as requested. Take the first critical step in safety by ensuring that your Portable Modular Building features a fire extinguisher.

Fire Alarm Systems
To complement extinguishers, Fire Alarm, smoke and heat rise detectors, alarm strobes and alarm pull stations, coupled with damper controls if necessary, provide a basic solution and adequate fire safety for modular building that do not contain chemicals. These accessories are often requested for control rooms, operation centers, and security stations that have intermittent or continuous occupancy.

Fire Suppression Equipment
For more critical applications, Parkline offers a total solution to fire protection, from sprinkler systems to complete halon systems with infra-red flame detection units. Parkline provides turnkey solutions for fire safety, including dampers, pull stations and alarm systems for all conditions and Hazardous Area Classifications, when fire protection poses a critical aspect of a building’s safety design.

Gas Detectors
Parkline installs gas detectors in many portable modular buildings, as a part of an overall safety scheme. From Combustible Gas to H2S, we can provide any array of individual or banked detectors, coupled with audible and visual alarm systems, for both general purpose and Hazardous Classified Areas.

Safety Showers
Parkline installs Safety Showers in buildings where chemical storage, processing, analytics or treatment occurs. Whether free standing, enclosed, or pipe mounted like the unit in this image, safety showers can provide a critical first step toward preventing life threatening or disfiguring injuries in the workplace. This accessory is essential if your building will contain caustic, toxic, or corrosive chemicals.

Eye-Wash Stations
Eye-Wash Stations are critical safety devices in laboratories, sample testing stations, chemical processing units and analyzer houses. Safety Glasses and many goggles alone cannot prevent injuries, especially if an accidental release occurs under high pressure conditions. Parkline installs both potable water eye-wash stations like this unit, or stand-alone saline solution stations to protect your staff.

Caution Signs
When necessary, Caution, Warning & Safety Signs can be installed by Parkline at your request, to enhance your Portable Modular Building and create a safe workplace for your staff. Simply consider all risks that may be present and ask for the signs of your choice. Parkline will be pleased to source several standard alternatives in any material you desire for consideration, or we can have custom signs made to order.

First-Aid Cabinets
First-Aid Stations are a popular accessories for continuously occupied spaces, such as operator stations, control rooms, security stations, guard shacks and operation centers. They are available with a wide range of supplies and can be installed as permanent wall mounted units, like the station shown in this image, or as kits which can be easily transported to an injury site.

Defibrillator Stations
As one of the most recent additions to the well-trained first responder’s safety supplies, fixed Defibrillator Stations like this unit and portable kits are quickly becoming a popular accessory in many public venues and the private sector. Provide the ultimate in readily accessible safety equipment and help to prevent the leading cause of preventable death with this advanced safety device.